Kobi Nazrul - Primary School

Family Seaside Trip

What a day we had in Southend! 7 packed coaches took 350 children, parents and staff on an amazing family day out. Children swam in the sea, ate fish and chips and screamed on the funfair rides whilst the adults relaxed on the beach and watched Neil get soaked by Year 6. Overall, it was a lovely end to a busy year for all the children, staff, parents and grandparents.


azhar - cool

Wasim - The trip was the BEST (-;

Ismile - Best day ever!!!!!

ahnaf - That was the best day ever

Tahiyah - The best day ever

Ferdous - I wish I was there!

Mysha - I absolutely had fun at the seaside! It is going to be sad as this will be Y6 last year so I hope this seaside trip will be double the fun

Alimah - It was the best trip ever

Anisha - Even though I didn't go me, Ammaar, arms an and jab at had so much fun

Mysha (Y6) - This seaside trip was the best!

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