Kobi Nazrul - Primary School


The aim of our school is:

To include everyone, staff, pupils, pupils, parents, governors and the wider community in providing a caring, stimulating environment which enables everyone to feel valued and achieve their full potential.

This goal will only be achieved if:

  • there is a shared commitment by pupils and parents and the school
  • a high quality education is provided a s the right of every child
  • effective learning is achieved by positive discipline

We ask you to share with us a commitment to a quality experience for your child.

Pupil and Parent Expectation of our School

The school will provide:

We will:

  • provide a safe, well ordered and caring environment where learning can take place
  • provide a place where each pupil is valued as an individual
  • maintain a happy and enjoyable school ethos
  • follow the Every Child Matters outcomes for all our pupils
  • provide access to broad and balanced curriculum
  • provide a range of opportunities and challenges to enable pupils to achieve their full potential
  • provide regular information about progress and performance
  • provide opportunities to express views on wider school issues
  • provide work of a suitable standard for each child to that they can engage with the work and be challenged by it
  • provide opportunities for parents to discuss their child’s progress, conduct and achievements and to provide an annual written report
  • listen to any parental concerns and we will act upon them