Kobi Nazrul - Primary School

Online Safety

At Kobi Nazrul, we take the safety of your children very seriously. While the digital world can be exciting and informative, it can also be challenging to navigate. On this page you will find lots of helpful information about how to keep your children safe while they are online.

Workshops for Parents

To keep your children safe online, it is really important that parents have a good understanding of the potential dangers. Because technology changes so quickly, the school offers regular workshops to keep parents up to date.

Thank you to the many families who attended our workshop during Safer Internet Week 2024. We will be following up with more workshops very soon.

Acceptable Use Policies

At Kobi Nazrul, online safety is taught throughout our Computing Currciculum and children learn how to keep themselves safe. It is important to us that our pupils understand and follow the rules for using technology for their age group. Please take time to read these rules yourselves:

EYFS                                                               KS1                                                                   KS2


Platforms, apps and services

Online Safety Guides


Social Media

Social Media Tips

Screen time