Kobi Nazrul - Primary School

School Council

At Kobi Nazrul, who himself stood up for social justice, we are keen for children to learn, and participate in a democratic process in order to be elected as their class councillors. We aim to be inclusive; any child can apply from Year 2 to Year 6. This is done across the whole month of September starting with an explanation assembly and ending with an official Inauguration. Once elected, the older children in Key Stage 2 represent their own class and a younger class in Key Stage 1 or the Early Years. This ensures all voices are heard. To lower bias when it comes to the voting day, two different classes vote for one older or younger class, so it is not based on friendship or siblings.

Once elected, the children attend monthly meetings to plan and implement their projects, present problems and ideas raised by their classes and find solutions! The children prioritise their vote winning ideas to make our school community an even better place to be, before looking outward to our local community via Pupil Parliament (an East 1 Schools Partnership initiative) and, of course thinking of others by planning fun charity events such as Red Nose Day and Children in Need.

School Council is facilitated by Ruth, our Inclusion Assistant. The children are expected to take notes, and feedback regularly to their classes. This improves their oracy skills, democratic thinking, organisation and bravery when speaking to adults. The children have attended Governor meetings, strategy days and Tea with Belinda, our Headteacher to present and justify their projects via action plans, and problem solving solutions. No stone is left unturned!

Here are the steps they have to undertake as part of the election process: