Kobi Nazrul - Primary School

Our Curriculum


Our values were developed with careful consideration of the needs of our children. They reflect the way we want our children to grow and develop. They shine through our school experience. We use them explicitly, particularly when reflecting on our learning. Below, you can see what they mean to us.









Intrinsically motivated


Learning beyond the classroom

Trust in the children




Clear communicator



Sense of humour

Finding your talent

Volunteering beyond your comfort zone

Competitions beyond local

Surveying-confident in different contexts

Listened to – it’s worth speaking out



Linking experiences to themselves

Articulating what an experience has given them


Meaningful links

Referring to professions (artists)

Celebrating mistakes

Up for a challenge

Self-identifying next steps


Praise for improvement rather than outcomes

What they say is valued

Showing work to other adults (I am to be celebrated)

Purposeful around the school


Culturally literate

Emotionally intelligent

Assembly/Talk circles

Emotionally intelligent





‘Juicy mistakes’

Guidelines for feedback

Oracy/P4C/Critical thinking

Equalities (recognising difference ALL adults and children)

Change in the language we use to engage each other

Fulfilled today and for the future


Visits-experiences Memorable learning

Safe spaces

Irresistable learning


Our curriculum is principle led.  External elements influence, not dictate what we do. It is deeply underpinned by our core set of values and those of Britain.

Oracy is placed at the heart of the curriculum, with children being given opportunities in a wide range of contexts both inside and outside of school to develop their skills.

Our curriculum will give children the mathematical, literacy and life skills across a range of subjects and contexts. Adaptability: Children have opportunities to behave and adapt to different in a wide range of social and cultural settings.
Interpersonal skills: Children have opportunities to engage with different audiences and develop their skills in presenting. Children understand that we are all different and can interact appropriately and confidently. Life- long learning: All members of the school community continue to learn and share their learning with each other. Our curriculum operates on a two- year cycle so phases can plan together as we believe collaboration supports us in achieving the best outcomes we can for our children. Our key concepts, detailed below, provide a vehicle to support children in connecting their learning and remembering more. We identify where adaptations are needed to allow them to access the curriculum and to meet or exceed the expectations set. This includes working in partnership with agencies beyond the school community.


Our ‘E’ Curriculum was developed by leaders as a result of consultation with wider stakeholders. These 5 drivers, underpinned by our school vision and values are the foundation for our curriculum development alongside the national curriculum.

Our curriculum has been built up over the last 6 years; but we are never happy and the focus for development now is fine tuning aspects of the curriculum to either respond to school self-evaluation processes or local or national issues identified.

As the curriculum has become embedded, there has become less need for specialist days, weeks or months. For example, our work on Black History throughout the curriculum and racial literacy has meant that Black History month may be used as an opportunity for celebration rather than a dedicated month to teach Black History. However, we may use theme days or weeks as a tool to support the curriculum to highlight areas (particularly linked to our school development priorities) of focus or to address something collectively as a school.

Children of all ages and staff of all year groups and roles having opportunities to work together is of vital importance to us as we believe the strength of relationships and a culture of psychological safety is essential for deep and impactful learning.  
Our Talk Circles (see below) and Job Centre are just two examples of this.


At Kobi Nazrul we ‘work with and through’ our six curriculum concepts to make links across the wider curriculum through which children develop their knowledge, skills and understanding across subjects, at a good pace, over their time at Kobi Nazrul. As part of our learning and teaching ethos, we create opportunities for children to commit their knowledge and skills to their long-term memories through the deliberate revisiting of concepts and topics. These concepts have been carefully identified as particularly important to our school context and are therefore used throughout school life, like our values, and are not limited to lessons. As a school, we work with the following definitions:




Equality and Equity

Identity and belonging


  • For something or someone to be made different; alter or modify; to replace 
  • An act or process through which something becomes different
  • If there is a change in something, it becomes different

  • The ability or capacity to make choices
  • The ability or capacity to influence others

If someone (or a system) has power, they have a lot of control over people and activities. Your power to do something is your ability to do it.

  • To move or travel with speed and/or force
  • Mechanical or electrical energy

Power can be seen as a negative or a positive

A legacy of an event or period of history is something which is a direct result of it and which continues to exist after it is over

Equality: the same status, rights, and responsibilities for all the members of a society, group, or family

Equity: recognises that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome

Identity: Your identity is who you are. The identity of a person or place is the characteristics they have that distinguish them from, and connect them to, others

Belonging:  Secure relationship. If someone belongs to a particular group, they are a member of that group

  • The relationship between two things is the way in which they are connected. This could include relationships that are with: yourself, food, the world etc. 
  • A relationship is a close connection between two people.  The relationship between two people or groups is the way in which they feel and behave towards each other.
  • Association with ‘something else’