Kobi Nazrul - Primary School

National Curriculum

The National Curriculum

The national curriculum is set by the Department of Education and taught in all state schools. Primary Schools have a statutory duty to deliver the following Key Stage 1 and 2 subjects:

  •  Religious education:
  •  History
  •  Geography
  •  Citizenship
  •  Science
  •  Physical education (PE)
  •  Music
  •  Mathematics

Non-statutory programmes of the national curriculum include Modern foreign languages (MFL) and Personal, social and health education (PSHE).

Parents have a right to withdraw their children from PSHE (the non statutory aspect of Sex and Relationship Education) taught outside the science curriculum.

All Tower Hamlets maintained schools have an up-to-date Sex and Relationship Education Policy (SRE) in place that describes the content and organisation of SRE taught within National Curriculum Science, and this is shared with parents.

Full programmes of study and attainment target level descriptions for the subjects can be found here on the Primary National Curriculum website.

If you would like more information about the school curriculum, please make an appointment with the school office.