Kobi Nazrul - Primary School

Year 6 Leavers 2015

Year 6 share their thoughts and memories of Kobi Nazrul with us.



Are you leaving Kobi Nazrul, or do you have a message for those that are? Why not leave it now...


Inayah - Year 6 was the best class and I miss you all so much

Aqueddus - Good luck to you all. You guys were something special!

imran - I miss it so much. Tears, tears, tears.

aqeela - I miss year 6 so much

Samia - 😆 The funniest thing I found was when they all said Kingswood and they were very scared when they were on that metal bar (so funny)

saheba - Hi guys just started secondary missing you all so much. God this has such good memories. Want primary to last forever. Missing everybody.

year 6 last year - We are the best!

Mohima - Year 6 are amazing!

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